Actinium Core
A Node/Express framework with built-in Parse Cloud API.
Actinium == The Node Express API framework for the Reactium platform. Use me whenever I need a Mongo backed API.
Actinium is built on a core framework, designed to quickly and easily create your Node/Express API with Parse. The local development and build configuration that comes out of the box is meant to be upgradeable, so long as your application was built off a semver (Semantic Version) that is minor-version compatible with the current.
Even for larger version steps, we are going to attempt to describe (or automate) much of the migration from one version of Actinium core to another.
Updating core is performed with the reactium command:
Hacking Core
Core functionality of the Node.js / Express server running Parse Server can be found in the actinium_modules directory. These modules are installed from the Reactium registry much in the way node_modules are installed via npm. Just like you would not modify the contents of modules in node_modules, you should not modify actinium_modules.
The core modules are maintained in the Actinium Modules project on Github. Please feel free to fork and make a Pull-Request if you have any good general purpose ideas.
Actinium's processes and cloud functions are heavily hooked and can easily be altered with plugins and middleware.
Any updates you make to actinium_modules will be ovewritten any time you run reactium install
, much as npm install
will overwrite node_modules.
Environment Variables
Actinium primarily relies on environment variables for configuration. To ease the pain of setting EVs on every local launch, you can set them in the /src/env.json and/or /src/env.remote.json
Variable | Type | Usage |
ACTINIUM_ENV_ID | String | Specifies the env file id to load |
ACTINIUM_ENV_FILE | String | Specifies the env file path to load |
APP_ID | String | The app identifier |
APP_NAME | String | The app name |
APP_PORT | Number | Application port |
CONTENT_NAMESPACE | String | Namespace for uuid key creation of content slugs |
DATABASE_URI | String | Mongo connection string |
LIVE_QUERY_SERVER | Boolean | Enable/Disable Live Queries |
LIVE_QUERY_SETTINGS | Object | Configuration Object for Live Queries |
LOG | Boolean | Enable/Disable event log |
LOG_LEVEL | String | Set the event log level |
MASTER_KEY | String | String used as the master key for elevated cloud operations |
NO_DOCS | Boolean | Enable/Disable the /docs route |
PARSE_ALLOW_CLIENT_CLASS_CREATION | Boolean | Enable/Disable class creation from client SDKs |
PARSE_DASHBOARD | Boolean | Enable/Disable the Parse Dashboard |
PARSE_DASHBOARD_USERS | Array | Parse Dashboard access list |
SERVER_URI | String | Public accessible URI to the server |
To select the /src/env.remote.json file simply pass remote as the value. You can create any number of env files with the same file naming pattern.
There maybe instances where your env file is not stored in the Actinium src directory. You can tell Actinium where to load it from by supplying the full path to the file.
Default: /src/env.json
Unique ID for the Parse App. Used when connecting via client SDKs.
Default: Actinium
Display name used in the Parse Dashboard.
Default: Actinium
The application port where Actinium will run from.
Note: Some hosts like Heroku will automatically set this value.
Used as a uuidv5 namespace for the purpose of generating uuids identifying content types.
Given the namespace uuid + a content type slug, will always yield the same exact uuid for that slug and namespace, therefore you can always derive the same uuid given the content type slug.
The MongoDB connection string. Supports standalone, replicant set, and shared clusters.
See: MongoDB Connection String URI Format for details
Default: true
Object containing key value pairs specifying configuration for Live Queries
By setting this value to false your server will no longer emit event logs.
Default: true
The level of detail and frequency at which system logs are emitted.
Value | LEVEL | Parse Log Level |
DEBUG | 1000 | verbose or greater |
INFO | 500 | info or greater |
BOOT (default) | 0 | error or greater |
WARN | -500 | error or greater |
ERROR | -1000 | error or greater |
A key that overrides all permissions. Used for operations that require untethered access to the database.
Important: Keep this secret and use it only on the server.
When you deploy Actinium to a production server it's a good idea to disable the /docs route. Unless of course your app is expressly an API and you want to expose the docs for documentation purposes.
Default: false
Set this to true if you want grant client SDKs to the ability to create new collections. This is generally not a common practice as clients may not take into consideration permissions and capabilities.
Default: false
When you deploy Actinium to a production server it's a good idea to disable the Parse Dashboard.
Default: true
Object Array container user, pass key value pairs.
Last updated