Install Actinium

Step 1: Reactium CLI

If you don't have it already, globally install the Reactium CLI

npm install -g reactium

Step 2: Install Database

Actinium relies on MongoDB as its database service. You will need to set up a local instance for development purposes.

You can install MongoDB however you wish, but Homebrew is an easy way.

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install MongoDB

If you're not sure if you have MongoDB installed already or are running an older version that may not be supported, you can run:

brew services stop mongodb
brew uninstall mongodb
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community

Run MongoDB Service

brew services start mongodb-community

Step 3: Create DB Users

If this is your first time running MongoDB locally, you'll need to create the root admin user account.

Create DB Admin User

use admin
db.createUser({user:"dbadmin", pwd:"PASSWORD", roles:[{role:"root", db:"admin"}]})

Note: be sure to replace PASSWORD with the actual password you wish to use

Create DB Actinium User

use actinium
db.createUser({user:"actinium", pwd:"PASSWORD", roles:["readWrite"]})

Note: be sure to replace PASSWORD with the actual password you wish to use

Step 4: Install Actinium

reactium init
[ARCLI] > Initialize what type of project?:  
  Reactium (Web Application) 
❯ Actinium (Web API) 
[ARCLI] > Initialize Actinium here?:  (y/N) y

Step 5: Configure Actinium

Configure Actinium to run using the default db and user:

reactium db -u "mongodb://actinium:PASSWORD@localhost:27017/actinium"

Step 6: Run Locally

npm run local


To view the Database Dashboard provided by Parse Server:

Last updated