Actinium is easy to extend and much of its bootstrapping is hook-able.
For more information on the available hooks see:Actinium Hooks
Actinium SDK
Suppose you're creating a plugin and you want to share the functionality with other plugins. You can opt to extend the Actinium SDK by creating a namespace on the Actinium global.
const COLLECTION = 'SomeCollection';
const MyPluginSDK = {};
MyPluginSDK.create = async (req, options) => {
// Get params from request object
let { params } = req;
// Run a hook so other plugins can do some thangs to the params
await'some-collection-before-create', params, req, options);
// Create the new object
const obj = new Actinium.Object(COLLECTION);
// Save the object
let savedObj = await, options);
if (!savedObj) {
return new Error('Unable to save SomeCollection object');
// Convert the Actinium.Object into a JavaScript Object.
savedObj = saveObj.toJSON();
// Run a hook so other plugins can do some thangs
await'some-collection-created', savedObj, req, options);
return savedObj;
module.exports = MyPluginSDK;
In the above example your Actinium extension will be available regardless of your plugin's active status. If you want your extension to only be available if your plugin is active you'll want to register a plugin-load hook and define it after validating that your plugin is active using Actinium.Plugin.isActive.
const SDK = require('./sdk');
const PLUGIN = {
ID: 'MyPlugin',
name: 'My Awesome Plugin',
description: 'The name says it all bro',
version: {
actinium: '>=3.0.5',
plugin: '0.0.1',
Actinium.Hook.register('plugin-load', async ({ ID }) => {
if (ID !== PLUGIN.ID) return;
if (!Actinium.Plugin.isActive(ID)) return;
Actinium.MyPlugin = SDK;
Note: In the above example your extension will not be available in the file scope.
Cloud Functions
Cloud functions are another way to extend Actinium functionality. Cloud functions are accessible to other plugins and the Actinium client SDK via You can define a cloud function in a plugin.js file. A typical cloud function may look like:
const { CloudRunOptions } = require(`${ACTINIUM_DIR}/lib/utils`);
Actinium.Cloud.define('some-other-plugin', async req => {
const options = CloudRunOptions(req);
const params = { someparam: 'somevalue' };
const newObj = await'my-plugin-create', params, options);
// do something else like transform the newObj with a hook
await'some-other-plugin-hook', newObj, req, options);
return newObj;
Express Middleware
You can extend the underlying Express app by registering middleware that will be loaded on start-up. Register middleware using the Actinium.Middleware.register function.