Setting up your User

Using the Parse Dashboard, we need to create your admin user.

By default, when your API service is running locally, it will be accessible on http://localhost:9000/api. You will also have a Parse dashboard site running at http://localhost:9000/parse.

The Parse dashboard can be a useful development tool.

Parse Dashboard Users

In your API/src/env.json file, use the PARSE_DASHBOARD_USERSenv.json variable to configure your parse dashboard.


Object Array container user, pass key value pairs.

        "user": "admin",
        "pass": "admin"

Don't commit dashboard users to git if you intend to use this file in production. Instead, do one of the following: - Supply an environment variable PARSE_DASHBOARD_USERS containing a JSON string. - Supply an env.json file in your production environment by file extension using the environment variable ACTINIUM_ENV_FILE

Log In To Parse Dashboard

Visit http://localhost:9000/parse to view the Parse Dashboard login:

The Parse Dashboard provides a very low level "super-user" look at your Parse mongo database! This should only be used by an administrator (or for local development).

Create a Parse User

Once logged into Parse, you should be able to manually create an application user for your API. You can use this to assign a role and its associated capabilities

Last updated